for Schools
Offer meals. Collect orders. Receive payments.
Pagaspot is a  system that organizes the process of collecting orders, collecting payments, and preparing meals, from which schools, kindergartens, and preschools benefit.

Application for school lunches

End of phone calls about changes in orders
Parents independently adjust the times they've specified and cancel orders - end of sending set texts and emails.
Save time!
Don't wait for a response from the institution - thanks to Pagapot, you'll see the list of orders for preparation every day.
Build a positive experience for your customers!
As the only ones on the market, we offer a modern mobile app where parents can order meals for the entire month, with just 3 clicks!
One place for managing lunches in your institution
End of working with Excel files or Word documents. Having one Pagaspot application, you'll quickly determine how much of each type of meal to prepare for a specific day.

Total value of bills


Registration forms

  • Independently create a form and specify what data you want to collect or use the templates provided by Pagaspot.
  • Thanks to easy registration, parents will see the daily offer and quickly place orders.

Build your offer of meals

In a convenient way, specify: who, what, when, and how much you can order from you.
Import meal plan
  • Choose a convenient way for you to add a menu: create it using our Excel template or add manually.
  • Different institutions may use different menus. Copy them and modify.
  • Do you already have a meal plan in Excel? We can adjust the import to your format.
Define availability and prices
Handle diets and allergies

Background of "order a call" sectionBackground of "order a call" section

Get a quote and test the app

Leave your phone number, and we'll call you within 30 minutes to discuss your expectations and prepare a test version.

What our clients say about us?
The app works very well for me, it's easy to use and navigate. Previously, parents often asked if they would receive notifications about payment deadlines, now the app does it for me. It also informs me about overdue payments and saves me from unnecessary phone calls. Even a novice in computer use can handle it, aside from the fact that I can always count on the help of consultants.
NGO No. 5 STO in Milanówku

Serving meals has never been easier

When you or the institution you're working with need to serve a large number of meals quickly, it's about accuracy and time. Pagaspot allows for error-free and quick serving of meals using a report in PDF, Excel format, or RFID cards and barcodes. You can independently distribute meals or provide the issuing module to your institution so that it can efficiently manage this process.
Illustration of payment

Mail reportConfigure your email reports for a specific institution or group on a certain day and time, at a specified email address. Specify the order of columns in the report and whether you want them to be alphabetically ordered, sorted by class, or another parameter.
Screen for servingAfter placing the card in the reader, the screen of the issuing device will display information:
  • What kind of meal was ordered (taking into account the diet)?
  • Was the order paid?
  • Which meal is being served
In case of no order placed, the cashier can add it manually. The issuing device may work in places without internet access.


Registration of meals served
In case of doubts, you can check whether the order has been placed by a parent, a person serving, or a system administrator.
Automatic cancellation of unpaid meals
Upon activation of the functionality, the ordering party, who has not paid, will receive a notification about the need to pay. In case of a delay in payment, Pagaspot will automatically cancel the order and inform the ordering party by email.
RFID card handling

If the institutions you work with use cards/RFIDs for entering the institution or calculating working time - Pagaspot will integrate them with the issuing module and allow you to receive meals with the same cards/RFIDs.

If you don't have RFID cards, Pagaspot will prepare personalized cards with the logo of your institution and the data of the person serving the meal to the child.


Communication with fiscal printers

Make sure you are invoicing sales in accordance with the law. Pagaspot has an online integration with fiscal printers, thanks to which you will print receipts summing up orders from the entire month for each payer or for each payment. Pagaspot Print is an application that you will download to your computer, with the ease of connecting it to the printer and printing receipts. Pagaspot Print is an application that you will download to your computer, with the ease of connecting it to the printer and printing receipts.
Balance reports

Check the total value of sales of meals in a given period. In this place, you'll also receive reports that are useful in accounting:

  • payment reports
  • sales summary
  • other
Notifications about overdue payments
If you prepare and serve meals, Pagaspot can help you recover bills through automatic notifications with a link to payment.

Schedule a free consultation

We give you the guarantee of a free test of the system, and in order to use it as best as possible, let's schedule a free presentation. Choose whether to watch a video tutorial or a free presentation with the option to ask questions.

How will the process of ordering, canceling, and paying for meals in your school look like?

Orders in the mobile app and browser
Provide the process of ordering and paying in the Pagaspot app. Parents can place orders for meals in bulk for the entire month with just 3 clicks or by selecting a day at a time.
Canceling school lunches
  • Any parent can cancel ordered meals for a longer period or on a subsequent day before the specified time.
  • When a particular class is going on a trip, you can easily cancel orders for that class for one or several days.
Payments for lunches
Provide the option to pay for orders quickly online. In case of traditional payments, upload your bank statement and see how Pagaspot matches payments to payers. After importing the bank statement, payments made through the payment gateway will be automatically recognized and included as paid.

Payment processing